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Igår tirsdag tog vi til Djurs Sommerland efter indvitation af Dorethe og Søren, da det var Lucas' 11 års fødselsdag, vi mødes lidt over 10 og gik direkte mod Piraten efter at have sagt hej og givet Lucas hans gave. Det må siges at Piraten rykker totalt, det er sgu en fed ruchebane, der er mange gange hvor man bare "svæver" i sædet :-) Lidt senere dukkede mor og Torben op, lige inden dette havde Lucas narret Toke til at stå på en platform og kigge, idet der kom et megasprøjt vand flyttede Lucas sig, da han viste det ville komme - og så blev Toke gennemblødt :-)
Dert blev en rigtig god dag med masser af godt vejr (trods det alle havde extra tøj og/eller regntøj med) - vi fik prøvet en masse og Søren og Dorethe havde medbragt den lækreste frokost, hvor Søren grillede til os - Supert !
 CIMG1817  CIMG1833
Alle billeder: http://www.mos-eisley.dk/billeder/familie-billeder-2011#Djurs%20Sommerland%2009-08-2011
Onsdag tog vi i Legoland, da vi kun havde 2 gratis børnebiletter smuttede vi da lige i Fakta og købe 2 voksen biletter da man fik nogle extra rabatkuponer med, og så kørte vi mod Billund. Allerede ved ankomst kunne vi overrasket se at der var mange mennesker, og lige da vi skulle ud af bilen begyndte det at regne... Efter at have siddet i bilen i ca 10 minutter var det dog kun let dryppende, så vi gik mod indgangen.
Her kom næste surprise - da vi fik kigget på børnebilletterne, var kravet at man skulle købe en voksenbillet for at indløse dem (og vi havde lige købt 2 friske i Fakta) - #€%&/(/(/&))/=€ - Så kan man lære at se ordentlig efter, så det kostede lige kr. 498 extra..., men vi skulle jo ind :-/
Det blev en la-la dag - lorte mange tyskere overalt, blæsende koldt og tiltag til lette byger, men vi fik da prøvet en del ting selom der var kø til alt - og vi stod i kø i 45 minutter til Lego Racers, noget af en tam oplevelse efter Piraten i Djurs Sommerland.
Men vi kom også for at se det nye Star Wars miniland, og det skuffede heldigvis ikke, tværtimod - der er opbygget en del plateu'er fra forskellige Star Wars destinationer - Tatooine (med Mos-Eisley Cantina selvfølgelig), Isplaneten Hoth og andre; det var virkeligt flot lavet - specielt deres mega udgave af Tusindårsfalken; og kun dødstjernen glimrende ved dens fravær.
Alle billeder: http://www.mos-eisley.dk/billeder/familie-billeder-2011#Legoland%2010-08-2011
 Lidt om Star Wars miniland fra Lego's side:

STAR WARS™ Miniland Opening
Now Open!
Guests can enjoy seven of the most famous scenes from the six live-action Star Wars movies, as well as a scene from the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars™ all made out of 1.5 million LEGO® bricks built in 1:20 scale. Guests will be further immersed into the Star Wars experience as they pose with life-size LEGO models of Chewbacca, R2-D2 and Darth Vader.
?Following a chronological path through the Star Wars timeline, LEGOLAND guests retrace the major events of the beloved Saga. Some of the 2,000 LEGO models will be more than 6-feet-tall. Interactive buttons will allow children to activate animations throughout the scenes.
Episode I: Naboo
Naboo is one of the most geographically varied planets in the Star Wars galaxy. This scene depicts the Battle of Naboo and the capital Theed – both the Royal Palace and the hangar can be seen here. In this battle scene, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn encounter and fight the Sith apprentice, Darth Maul. Look closely at the details of this scene, but  not so close that you may be pulled to the dark side!

Episode II: Geonosis
In this scene, visitors have a fantastic view of the Geonosis arena, in which Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker battle ferocious creatures. Witness the clash between Count Dooku’s droid army and the Grand Army of the Republic.

Episode III: Kashyyyk and Mustafar
?In this scene, two planets are revealed: Kashyyyk and Mustafar. On one side, you'll be placed right into the Battle of Kashyyyk – the home of Chewbacca and the Wookiees. Here you'll discover fantastic vehicles modeled from LEGO bricks, such as the massive Clone Turbo Tank. On the other side, catch a glimpse of the fateful duel on Mustafar between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.
Episode IV: Tatooine
?Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, C-3PO and R2-D2 can be spotted in this desert planet...introducing Tatooine. Here you'll discover Uncle Owen’s moisture farm, where Luke Skywalker lived as a child; peek inside the Cantina where the animated Cantina Band plays and stand above the spaceport where the largest LEGO model of Han Solo's famous starship, the Millennium Falcon, sits ready for take-off.
Episode V: Hoth
?The Rebels take refuge on this icy planet, but the Empire tracks them down and the Rebels are forced to flee. Introducing....Hoth. This scene features LEGO models of the Imperial AT-ATs, Rebel snowspeeders and Luke Skywalker’s X-wing starfighter. Look closely and you'll see Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia.
Episode VI: Endor
Next we travel to a forest moon and home of the Ewoks, who fight against the Imperial Forces alongside the Rebels...Endor. The Endor system plays a key role in Return of the Jedi as the site of the Battle of Endor, fought to prevent construction of the second Death Star. This scene presents the final victory of the Rebel Alliance over the Empire. Here you can view a large-scale model of an Imperial shuttle on its landing platform, delivering a fearsome passenger - the Dark Lord of the Sith himself, Darth Vader.

?The Clone Wars: Christophsis?
The seventh area brings us to a scene from the animated series The Clone Wars on the planet Christophsis. Chronologically, the series takes place between Episode II and Episode III and focuses on the adventures of Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. The LEGO scene depicts part of the planet’s surface, with the largest of all LEGO Star Wars models: an approximately 8-foot tall building from the Crystal City. You will also a scene showing a battle between Separatist battle droids and Republic clone troopers.
How the LEGO models are created:?
The roughly 2,000 LEGO Star Wars models are being developed and built by eight model designers and two animation electricians at our sister park, LEGOLAND Deutschland in Günzburg, Germany. It is up to the Master Model Builders at LEGOLAND California to bring the scenes to life with the help of animation electricians, technicians and landscapers all working to ensure the LEGO models appear as realistic as possible with special effects and landscaping.
?Planning started in March 2010. The individual film scenes were selected after careful consultation with Lucasfilm Ltd. Pictures and drawings of the figures, spacecraft, vehicles, landscapes, etc. were taken as the basis for the detailed construction blueprints. The model designers used a special LEGO drawing paper for this, on which one square is equivalent to one LEGO knob.  In the next step, they calculated how many bricks and which colors and forms would be needed for the models. For particularly difficult model parts, prototypes are first built, before the model is constructed brick by brick. To help the LEGO models last longer, all of the bricks are glued together and then sprayed with a special UV coating.
?Authentic Star Wars sounds, actions and lighting effects help to make the models even more lifelike. For all models, only commercially available LEGO pieces are used.  ?LEGOLAND Deutschland and LEGOLAND Billund will also be opening new Star Wars Miniland displays in 2011. READ MORE
?Star Wars and all characters, names and related indicia are © 2011 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All rights reserved.
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