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This article describes howto use Confluence for Your (private) Homepage




Why use Confluence at all?

  • Excellent Rich Text Editor - the strongest point at all!! 
  • Very Stable and very many releases with new features
  • A lot of 3rd party options - both free and commercial
  • Java based

Why not use Confluence at all?


  • Not free - and even though license costs are low, it all add's up. Free alternatives are CMS'es like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla
  • Requires quite a lot of resources and possibility
  • The Download version requires direct server access (Windows or Linux)
  • Java based

Dowload or onDemand


Cheap and simple, but very limited towards plugins and manipulating on filelevel

Upgrades just "happends"



Full flexability regarding OS and resources

Must be maintained/upgraded by YOU

When the decision is made for using Confluence :

If You want to control it Yourself, read the Confluence Install Cookbook


Secondly, I will recommend these plugins:


TypeFreeCommercial /LicensedComment
Content Enhancement

UI Tookit


Numbered Headings

Mos-Eisley Gallery

Table Plus

Image Slider

Ad Hoc Canvas 


Refined Wiki

For alternatives, read Theme Plugins for Confluence
Drawing / DiagrammingDiagramlyGliffy 
User Macro's  See User Macros

Source Editor


Both Adaptavist and ServiceRocket has a bundle of very nice and usefull free plugins 


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