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Besides making the trust, I have seen:


No JIRA Projects available in Confluence


Making a JIRA Report, no projects were available, giving me this error i atlassian-jira.log:

2014-03-13 07:42:16,081 http-bio-6060-exec-47 WARN anonymous 462x2065249x1 - /rest/api/2/project [auth.trustedapps.filter.TrustedApplicationFilterAuthenticator] Failed to login trusted application: confluence:1838577 due to: com.atlassian.security.auth.trustedapps.InvalidCertificateException: Request not allowed to access URL: /rest/api/2/project


Examining the allowed Urls, I found:



Thanx to: https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/55576/configuring-application-link-to-confluence-from-jira-issue-links-permission-problem

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