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Make sure the server time is correct for all servers (smil) as in use NTP.

This actually gave me a problem where logstash => ElasticSearch did not work

Delete indexes

curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9200/filebeat*


Sample filebeat config for my Confluence Server

        - /var/log/auth.log
        - /var/log/syslog
      document_type: syslog
      input_type: log
        - /var/log/apache2/www.mos-eisley.dk-*.log
      document_type: apache
      input_type: log
        - /data/www/Fordor.log
        - /data/www/Baghus.log
      document_type: camfileslog
      input_type: log


Sample filebeat config for my Alfresco Server

        - /var/log/auth.log
        - /var/log/syslog
      document_type: syslog
      input_type: log
        - /var/log/apache2/alfresco.mos-eisley.dk-*.log
        - /var/log/apache2/elk.mos-eisley.dk-*.log
      document_type: apache
      input_type: log
       - /var/log/pingkaf.txt
      document_type: ping-log
      input_type: log



root@elkserver:/# curl localhost:9200/_cat/indices
yellow open filebeat-2016.03.30   5 1      7 0  78.9kb  78.9kb
yellow open logstash-2016.03.28   5 1      1 0  12.7kb  12.7kb
yellow open filebeat-2016.03.31   5 1     10 0 112.2kb 112.2kb
yellow open filebeat-2016.03.21   5 1      1 0  11.9kb  11.9kb
yellow open filebeat-2016.03.22   5 1      1 0  11.9kb  11.9kb
yellow open filebeat-2016.04.01   5 1      6 0  67.6kb  67.6kb
yellow open filebeat-2016.03.23   5 1      1 0  11.9kb  11.9kb
yellow open filebeat-2016.04.02   5 1     15 0 167.5kb 167.5kb
yellow open logstash-2013.12.11   5 1      1 0  11.3kb  11.3kb
yellow open filebeat-2016.03.13   5 1      1 0  11.9kb  11.9kb
yellow open filebeat-2016.04.03   5 1   4718 0     5mb     5mb
yellow open filebeat-2016.03.24   5 1      1 0  12.1kb  12.1kb
yellow open filebeat-2016.03.25   5 1      1 0  11.9kb  11.9kb
yellow open filebeat-2016.03.26   5 1      2 0    23kb    23kb
yellow open packetbeat-2016.04.03 5 1 115546 0  78.3mb  78.3mb
yellow open .kibana               1 1    115 0  86.3kb  86.3kb
yellow open topbeat-2016.04.03    5 1 198026 0  75.9mb  75.9mb
yellow open filebeat-2016.03.27   5 1      2 0    23kb    23kb
yellow open filebeat-2016.03.28   5 1      4 0  45.3kb  45.3kb
yellow open filebeat-2016.03.29   5 1      2 0    23kb    23kb
yellow open filebeat-2016.03.18   5 1      2 0  23.1kb  23.1kb



Other Stuff:


Elasticsearch CRUD

The Great Mapping Refactoring

Embedding Visualisations


PingLog i eget index

Make a copy of filebeat.json from the zip package at https://download.elastic.co/beats/dashboards/beats-dashboards-1.1.0.zip and chage filebeat.json name and content.

Then upload and create index.

curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/.kibana/index-pattern/pinglog-* -d @pinglog.json


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