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This requires the User Macro: include-lightbox - OrangeBox macro on the page also. or in Custom HTML



Macro Body Processing

No macro body

Output format



Macro Code


## @param path:title=Status|type=string|required=true|desc=File Path
## @param file:title=Status|type=string|required=true|desc=File Name
## @param openmethod:title=Open Method|type=string|required=false|desc=How to Lauch content

#if (${paramopenmethod}=="lightbox")
<a href="/filecontent/${parampath}/${paramfile}" class="floatbox" data-fb-options="width:80% height:61.8%w `"><b>${paramfile}</b></a>
#elseif (${paramopenmethod}=="new")
<a href="/filecontent/${parampath}/${paramfile}" target="_blank"><b>${paramfile}</b> (Åbner i nyt vindue)</a>
<a href="/filecontent/${parampath}/${paramfile}"><b>${paramfile}</b></a>
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