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I Installed the ELK stacks as usual, but then I had to add nodes. A lot of google gave a lot of more og less usefull hints, so here is what i did:

First, I changed the name of the cluster and node elkserver1 (the only node) in /etc/elasticseach/elasticseach.yml

And restarted elasticsearch, tailed log - everything was ok

vi /etc/elasticseach/elasticseach.yml
service eleaticsearch restart
tail -f /var/log/elasticsearch/mos-eisley.log

Notice the logfilename follows the clustername (smil)


Secondly, I changed the same on the next node (elkserver2) and added the IP on elkserver1 in the /etc/elasticseach/elasticseach.yml:

discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["host1","host1"]


discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["","",""]

Then started ES with:

service eleaticsearch restart
tail -f /var/log/elasticsearch/mos-eisley.log

But the node never connected to the clusted.

After a short part of troubleshooting, ES only listens on, so in /etc/elasticseach/elasticseach.yml do change




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