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Snapshot server

Close version 5.0.0

Install 5.0.d:

root@afserver:~# chmod +x alfresco-community-5.0.d-installer-linux-x64.bin
root@afserver:~# ./alfresco-community-5.0.d-installer-linux-x64.bin
Language Selection
Please select the installation language
[1] English - English
[2] French - Français
[3] Spanish - Español
[4] Italian - Italiano
[5] German - Deutsch
[6] Japanese - ???
[7] Dutch - Nederlands
[8] Russian - ???????
[9] Simplified Chinese - ????
[10] Norwegian - Norsk bokmål
[11] Brazilian Portuguese - Português Brasileiro
Please choose an option [1] : 1
Welcome to the Alfresco Community Setup Wizard.
Installation Type
[1] Easy - Installs servers with the default configuration
[2] Advanced - Configures server ports and service properties.: Also choose optional components to install.
Please choose an option [1] : 2
Select the components you want to install; clear the components you do not want
to install. Click Next when you are ready to continue.
Java [Y/n] :
PostgreSQL [Y/n] :n
Alfresco : Y (Cannot be edited)
Solr1 [y/N] :
Solr4 [Y/n] :
SharePoint [Y/n] :
Web Quick Start [y/N] :
Google Docs Integration [Y/n] :
LibreOffice [Y/n] :
Is the selection above correct? [Y/n]:
Installation Folder
Please choose a folder to install Alfresco Community
Select a folder [/data/opt/alfresco-5.0.d]: /opt/alfresco
Warning: The selected folder is not empty. Please select a different folder
Press [Enter] to continue:
Installation Folder
Please choose a folder to install Alfresco Community
Select a folder [/data/opt/alfresco]: /opt/alfresco-5.0.d
Database Configuration
JDBC URL: [jdbc:postgresql://localhost/alfresco]: jdbc:mysql://localhost/alfresco
JDBC Driver: [org.postgresql.Driver]: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Database name: [alfresco]:
Username: []: alfresco
Password: :
Verify: :
Tomcat Port Configuration
Please enter the Tomcat configuration parameters you wish to use.
Web Server domain: []:
Tomcat Server Port: [8080]:
Tomcat Shutdown Port: [8005]:
Tomcat SSL Port [8443]:
Tomcat AJP Port: [8009]:
Alfresco FTP Port
Please choose a port number to use for the integrated Alfresco FTP server.
Port: [21]:
Admin Password
Please give a password to use for the Alfresco administrator account.
Admin Password: :
Repeat Password: :
Warning: The length of the password must be greater than 3 characters
Press [Enter] to continue:
Admin Password
Please give a password to use for the Alfresco administrator account.
Admin Password: :
Repeat Password: :
Alfresco SharePoint Port
Please choose a port number for the SharePoint protocol.
Port: [7070]:
Install as a service
You can optionally register Alfresco Community as a service. This way it will
automatically be started every time the machine is started.
Install Alfresco Community as a service? [Y/n]:

Service script name
The alfresco service script file exists. Please insert a different name for the
service script.
Service script name [alfresco]:
Warning: The service script file exists. Please insert a different name for the
service script.
Press [Enter] to continue:
Service script name
The alfresco service script file exists. Please insert a different name for the
service script.
Service script name [alfresco]: alfresco50d
LibreOffice Server Port
Please enter the port that the Libreoffice Server will listen to by default.
LibreOffice Server Port [8100]:
This environment is not configured optimally for Alfresco - please carefully
review this list before continuing.
While these issues will not prevent Alfresco from functioning, some product
features may be unavailable, or the system may not perform optimally.
Insufficient system RAM (4.0GB+): 3.86GB
Press [Enter] to continue:
Setup is now ready to begin installing Alfresco Community on your computer.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]:
Please wait while Setup installs Alfresco Community on your computer.
 0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
Setup has finished installing Alfresco Community on your computer.
View Readme File [Y/n]: n
Launch Alfresco Community Share [Y/n]: n

Copy needed files from 5.0.0 to 5.0.d

 cp /opt/alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco-global.properties /opt/alfresco-5.0.d/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco-global.properties

Replace paths in alfresco-global.properties from the old (5.0.0) to the new (5.0.d)

Copy MySQL Driver

 cp /opt/alfresco/tomcat/lib/mysql-connector-java-*.jar /opt/alfresco-5.0.d/tomcat/lib/

Be sure to remove the startup of the old version (like /etc/init.d/alfresco) to avoid 2 versions being started


After start, it still show version 5.0.0 in the GUI, - although its running from the 5.0.d folder:

root@afserver:/opt/alfresco-5.0.d/tomcat/shared/classes# ps -ef | grep java
root     18932     1 99 15:20 pts/1    00:03:29 /data/opt/alfresco-5.0.d/java/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/data/opt/alfresco-5.0.d/tomcat/conf/logging.properties -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Xms512M -Xmx2048M -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dalfresco.home=/data/opt/alfresco-5.0.d -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/data/opt/alfresco-5.0.d/tomcat/endorsed -classpath /data/opt/alfresco-5.0.d/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/data/opt/alfresco-5.0.d/tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar -Dcatalina.base=/data/opt/alfresco-5.0.d/tomcat -Dcatalina.home=/data/opt/alfresco-5.0.d/tomcat -Djava.io.tmpdir=/data/opt/alfresco-5.0.d/tomcat/temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

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