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Alexa Skill with openHAB

The setup itself is descriped here and works ok - https://www.openhab.org/docs/ecosystem/alexa/

After the setup I could not get my.openhab.com to talk to my local openHAB, I saw these in the openhab.log:

2017-11-05 17:34:43.985 [ERROR] [io.openhabcloud.internal.CloudClient] - Socket.IO 4 error: not authorized

but after a while and a few restarts it worked.... I never figured out why...

After the setup, in went onto https://alexa.amazon.com/spa/index.html#appliances and added the skill:

Then I created some files for binding the speach to Alexa and the (Zensehome) Things together. Refer to OpenHAB with Zensehome

Switch Kitchen_Light "Kitchen Light" <light> (Kitchen) ["Lighting"] {channel="mqtt:topic:61a4bec6:kitchen-light"}
Switch Dinner_Table_Light "Dinner Table Light" <light> (Kitchen) ["Lighting"] {channel="mqtt:topic:61a4bec6:alrum-light"}
Switch Bedroom_Light "Bedroom Light" <light> (Bedroom) ["Lighting"] {channel="mqtt:topic:61a4bec6:bedrom-light"}
Switch Toke_Light "Toke Ceiling Light" <light> (TokesRoom) ["Lighting"] {channel="mqtt:topic:61a4bec6:toke-light"}
Switch Christopher_Light "Christopher Ceiling Light" <light> (ChristhopersRoom) ["Lighting"] {channel="mqtt:topic:61a4bec6:christopher-light"}
Switch Large_bathroom_Light "Large Bathroom Light" <light> (LargeBathroom) ["Lighting"] {channel="mqtt:topic:61a4bec6:large-bathroom"}
Switch Small_Bathroom_Light "Small Bathroom Light" <light> (SmallBathroom) ["Lighting"] {channel="mqtt:topic:61a4bec6:small-bathroom"}
Switch TV_Light "TV Light" <light> (LivingRoom) ["Lighting"] {channel="mqtt:topic:61a4bec6:livingroom-floor-switch-south"}
Switch Vintrine_Light "Vitrine Light" <light> (LivingRoom) ["Lighting"] {channel="mqtt:topic:61a4bec6:livingroom-floor-switch-west"}
Switch Redlamps_Light "Redlamps Light" <light> (LivingRoom) ["Lighting"] {channel="mqtt:topic:61a4bec6:livingroom-ceiling-north"}
Switch Office_Light "Office Light" <light> (Office) ["Lighting"] {channel="mqtt:topic:61a4bec6:office-ceiling"}
Group House
Group Livingroom (House)
Group Kitchen (House)
Group Bedroom (House)
Group TokesRoom (House)
Group ChristophersRoom (House)
Group LargeBathRoom (House)
Group SmallBathRoom (House)
Group Office (House)

Switch All_Lights "All Lights" ["Lighting"]

Then I want back to Amazon and scanned for Devices.

Scanning for Devices

This little movie shows a rescan of devices:

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