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Here I will try to "rate" - on a complete subjective basic - some Theme/style Plugins for ConfluenceConfluence 


RefinedWiki Original Theme


The designs are very usable, but I find the Dashboard links, breadcrumbing and links a bit confysing and also the language parts are quite poor. The theme has alternate styling for blog "dsfsdf" wich makes the blog lokking very bloglike, and very little confluence like; wich for my part is not good, as the blog looking is distancing it from the pages looking, as if I was actually using two seperate prodcuts prodcuts.

The footer designer is pretty nice, but also quite limited, making the footer 90% of what You were aming for.  The Plugin makes it possible to create Your own designs, wich must be nice, but also quite timecomsuming

I have not tested the Dashboard part.  

Conclusion: Very, very good if You can live with some limitations regarding design and footer. Somewhat confusing in linking.


Enterprise Theme

Marketplace lising:


Also, the theming and the sidebars are very flexible for admin to set design, and some very special features as "Set as landing page" versure the default "Embed page View" are very nice and gives users a good inpression on hitting a page (this is customizealbe per page):


Conclusion: An excellent pluging, but the small fonts and missing Designer gives it some heavy limitations.


Zen Foundation

Marketplace listing

Definitily the strongest pluing with the largest cusomizations possiblities, wich - for my part - also makes it the one not to use, and the customizations is very timeconsuming.

Secondly, the out of the box designs are so ugly, that You feel like giving up instantly; but this is what "professionals" often use for making more public sites, when compeding agains typical CMS rivals as Joomla, Drupal etc etc

Conclusion: Problably an excellent product, but set of a lot of time to design You style(s). As a private focusing on content rather than nitty gritty design, I gave up on the plugin.