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I experienced that today - late at night, I was unable to control all lights (I have 116 devices), and my 2 Hue Bridges bridges (Inside Lights and Outside Lights) all showed this:

The Bridges bridges seemed fine, and I (beside panic) started to investigate:


Power off Bridgescycle bridges

Did nothing at all

Rebooting network Router


After aprox. 1,5 hours I took the power to the entire house, and after the bridges came onup, the Outside Lights bridge have had most bulbs available again, but many sensors were not reachable.


Be sure to set Your bulbs to not turn on after powercycle smiling face with halo  This is the Power-on behavior setting - You need to do it for each bulb...

So I went to work for 8 hours..


When I came home, I took the power to the entire house again, and after the bridges came onup, aprox. 80% of the bulbs on the Inside Lights bridge were reachable - and all sensors seemed ok again.

In the evening I started to power off cycle the power sources for the bulbs that was still unreachable, and slowly the they came back in the app as reachable.



My conclusion is somewhat, that this possible was a software update - or similar - that kind of "broke" the bulbs (or bridgebridges) ability to communicate - and software updates over Zigbee is slow and takes a long time.

Point being: Dont panic to soon ans start resetting You bridge(s), have some patience and take the power off some times over a time period. Setting up everything again can take way longer time if You have many devices.
