Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.


And it was running on http://sparrow:1880. I saw some wierd stuff in the start, until i pressed "Deploy" the first time, after that every thing has just bee working.

NR Node-RED has no (as far as I know currently, any users or admin/management in front of it by default, and I wanted to be able to use it from pretty much everywherehome and work/work-vpn... so I created a dual stack of Reverse Proxies:


Setting the browser to it hits my Confluence Server (in a Datacenter) and the Apache2 on it proxies it to http://cantina, (Fiber Router with port forward to Home laptop), and the Apache2 on it the Laptop proxies it to sparrow:1880 (the Docker container on the Home Laptop).

On both Apache2 I have IP Restrictions:
