Versioner sammenlignet


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// Class to Transist issues on Comments

package com.netic.listener

import com.atlassian.jira.ComponentManager
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.comments.CommentManager
import com.atlassian.jira.util.JiraUtils;
import com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowContext;
import com.atlassian.jira.event.issue.AbstractIssueEventListener
import com.atlassian.jira.event.issue.IssueEvent
import com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowContext
import com.atlassian.jira.workflow.WorkflowTransitionUtil;
import com.atlassian.jira.workflow.WorkflowTransitionUtilImpl;
import com.atlassian.jira.util.JiraUtils;

class ExampleListener extends AbstractIssueEventListener {
    ComponentManager componentManager = ComponentManager.getInstance();
    def issueLinkManager = ComponentAccessor.getIssueLinkManager();
    def authContext = componentManager.getJiraAuthenticationContext()
    // def currentuser = authContext.getUser().name

    WorkflowTransitionUtil workflowTransitionUtil = ( WorkflowTransitionUtil ) JiraUtils.loadComponent( WorkflowTransitionUtilImpl.class );
    void workflowEvent(IssueEvent event) {
       String issueid     =
       String issuekey    = event.issue.key
       String status      = event.issue.getStatusObject().getName()
       String eventid     = event.getEventTypeId()
       String issuetype   =
       IntegerString transitioncurrentuser = 0event.getUser()
       String currentuser = currentuser.split("neticsupport:")[0]
       Integer transition = 0
       System.out.println("script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=" + issuekey + " action=StartScript")
       System.out.println("script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=" + issuekey + " currentUser=" + currentuser)
       System.out.println("script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=" + issuekey + " eventid=" + eventid)
       System.out.println("script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=" + issuekey + " issuetype=" + issuetype)
       System.out.println("script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=" + issuekey + " status=" + status)
      if (issuetype == "Task" || issuetype == "Service Request")
        if (status == "Waiting for Customer") // Task And Service Request
          if (issuetype == "Service Request")
            transition = 831 // 831 = Reply from Customer
            System.out.println("script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=" + issuekey + " setting transition to 831")
          if (issuetype == "Task")
            transition = 841 // 841 = Reply from Customer
            System.out.println("script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=" + issuekey + " setting transition to 841")
        if (status == "Resolved" || status == "Closed")
          transition = 3 // 3 = Reopen
          System.out.println("script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=" + issuekey + " setting transition to 3")
        if (status == "Inactive")
          transition = 761 // 761 = Reply from Customer
          System.out.println("script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=" + issuekey + " setting transition to 761")
        if (status == "Frozen")
          transition = 801 // 801 = Unfreeze
          System.out.println("script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=" + issuekey + " setting transition to 801")
      if (issuetype == "Incident") // Incident
        if (status == "Awaiting External Response")
          transition = 211 // 211 = Resume Investigation
          System.out.println("script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=" + issuekey + " setting transition to 211")
      if (transition != 0 )
        // Transist Issue
        workflowTransitionUtil.setAction (transition)
        // Validate and transition issue
        status = event.issue.getStatusObject().getName()
        System.out.println("script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=" + issuekey + " Issue " + issueid + " transited to new status: " + status)
      System.out.println("script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=" + issuekey + " action=EndScript")


Sample output in catalina.out for an issue that is Transitioned

From "Waiting for Customer" to "Open" - Workflow Transtion number 841 - event number 2 (Issue Updated)

script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=SUPPORT-6730 action=StartScript
script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=SUPPORT-6730 currentUser=neticsupport
script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=SUPPORT-6730 eventid=2
script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=SUPPORT-6730 issuetype=Task
script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=SUPPORT-6730 status=Waiting for Customer
script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=SUPPORT-6730 setting transition to 841
script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=SUPPORT-6730 Issue 27871 transited to new status: Open
script=Listener.groovy IssueKey=SUPPORT-6730 action=EndScript
