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groupStar Wars Udstilling Koln August 2015
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groupStar Wars Udstilling Koln August 2015
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groupStar Wars Udstilling Koln August 2015
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groupStar Wars Udstilling Koln August 2015
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groupStar Wars Udstilling Koln August 2015
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groupStar Wars Udstilling Koln August 2015
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groupStar Wars Udstilling Koln August 2015
groupStar Wars Udstilling Koln August 2015
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groupStar Wars Udstilling Koln August 2015
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groupStar Wars Udstilling Koln August 2015


Selve udstillingen går delvis ud på man bygger sin egen Star Wars Identity, ved undervejs at træffe ca. 12 valg, fra bla. . ynglings Star Wars figur, planet man vil bo på og en række mere personlighedsskabende valg. Alt sammen foregår med et udleveret armbånd som identifikation. På alle disse stationer er der et gult felt med en monitor, og træder man ind i det gule felt kan m,an man ud over at se på monitorren også i hørebøffen høre om valget og hvad der "skaber" mennesker og personligheder - f.eks hvis en ens forælder dør eller forlader en i barndommen, hvilket jo sker for bl..a Anakin Skywalker og Luke... Det var ret imponerende og gennemført, og hørebøf konceptet virkede ganske godt.

Mellem alle stationerne er så selvudstillingenselve udstillingen, der tema mæssigt følger stationen og indeholder alt fra sketch sketches, tegninger, modeller i flere størrelser, garderober og figurer til koncept art og masker og hjemle - alt hvad en Star Wars fan kan begære... Ofte var udstillingsdelene ledsaget af en forklarende tekst.

Se alle billederne her!!

Selve udstillingen tager 1,5 til 2 time(r) små 2 timer at komme igennem og selvfølgelig skal man lige gennem en shop inden man forlader steder; her var der masse af Star Wars gadgets og fan-art - men priserne var også derefter; så alt vi fik med var en bamse til Christopher og en nøglering til toke Toke.

Efter udstillingen gik vi tilbage til hotellet og hvilede og hyggede.


Her er vores Star Wars Identities:

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Christopher - Norker

Male Ewok

I was raised on the swamp planet Dagobah, where members of my community made their living collecting and selling the eggs of the knobby white spider. On holidays my best friend and I would traditionally walk miles through the swamp to celebrate with the neighbours.

My parents required discipline from me but gave me support when I needed it, and I inherited my strong set of intellectual abilities from them. Later on I spent some time with the great bounty hunter Boba Fett, whose guidance left me with knowledge I still use every day in my job as a Jedi Knight.

I remember this one time when I crash-landed on a strange planet. I didn't let this affect me too much, though; instead I became a successful trader of scrap metal and found a home among the Jawas.

People often tell me I’m a generally adventurous and curious person, I also tend to be organised and prepared. But the most important thing to me is self-direction: I believe that living in a free world means we all have the right to choose.

I have pretty strong powers with the Force; I guess that's why the Emperor came looking for me. When he offered me limitless power in exchange for my allegiance, I fought the urge to join him and his evil minions and rejected his offer.

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Anette - Moonwalker

Female Wookiee

I was raised on the forest moon of Endor, where members of my community made their living domesticating and training wild bordoks. On holidays my best friend and I would traditionally celebrate nature at an Ewok feast and bonfire.

My parents required discipline from me but gave me support when I needed it, and I inherited my strong set of muscular abilities from them. Later on I spent some time with the famous smuggler Han Solo, whose guidance left me with knowledge I still use every day in my job as a farmer.

I remember this one time when I was attacked by a wampa and badly injured. This had a pretty big influence on me, I guess, because after that I founded a support group for victims of wampa attacks.

People often tell me I’m a generally energetic and social person, I also tend to be altruistic and accommodating. But the most important thing to me is security: after all, better safe than sorry, as they say.

The Force is very strong with me, so I wasn't surprised when the Emperor tracked me down. When he offered me limitless power in exchange for my allegiance, I fought the urge to join him and his evil minions and rejected his offer.

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Normann - Mos Eisley

Male Wookiee

I was raised on the desert planet Tatooine, where members of my community made their living extracting water from the air on moisture farms. On holidays my best friend and I would traditionally flock to the cantinas of Mos Eisley.

My parents gave me independence and not much by way of support, but I suppose I did inherit my strong set of intellectual abilities from them. Later on I spent some time with the great bounty hunter Boba Fett, whose guidance left me with knowledge I still use every day in my job as a fighter pilot.

I remember this one time when I was attacked by a wampa and badly injured. I didn't let this affect me too much, though; instead I worked tirelessly to protect wampa habitat to avoid future attacks.

People often tell me I’m a generally adventurous and curious person, I also tend to be altruistic and accommodating. But the most important thing to me is conformity: I believe that civilisation is built on order and discipline.

I am moderately sensitive to the Force; I guess that's why the Emperor took an interest in me. When he offered me limitless power in exchange for my allegiance, I decided not to answer. You can't get into trouble if you keep quiet.

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Toke - Carlos Starborn

Male Gungan

I was raised on the swamp planet Dagobah, where members of my community made their living refurbishing interstellar wreckage from the swamps. On holidays my best friend and I would traditionally hunt the elusive accipiptero dragon.

My parents required discipline from me but gave me support when I needed it, and I inherited my strong set of intellectual abilities from them. Later on I spent some time with the one and only Darth Vader, whose guidance left me with knowledge I still use every day in my job as a bounty hunter.

I remember this one time when I won an entire city in a game of chance. This had a pretty big influence on me, I guess, because after that I revelled in the prestige and borrowed liberally from the city coffers.

People often tell me I’m a generally adventurous and curious person, I also tend to be energetic and social. But the most important thing to me is benevolence: after all, helping is its own reward, as they say.

The Force is very strong with me, so I wasn't surprised when the Emperor tracked me down. When he offered me limitless power in exchange for my allegiance, I leapt at the chance and turned eagerly to the dark side.