Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.



2018-01-03: Added Extraction of EXIF Tags - for Geo location purposeGPS Position purpose - Read Extraction EXIF data from my Images

2015-09-20: Changed input for to key=value usage and added orientation magic into it

2015-01-04: Changed input to key=value usage

2014-07-15 : Added the blazy javascript to my site. This makes thumbnail load and display when needed instead of all thumbnails loaded when rendering a page (rendering 2000 small images takes a heck of time) - Read the Adding blazy to the Mos-Eisley Gallery page

2014-01-16 : Upgraded to permanent multipage (1 for each subdir and 1 to include all), ThumbSize as command line argument and minor fixes to the code 

2013-09-15 : Putting ThumbSize and DisplaySize in the macro call, so these can be changed without breaking older pages


Atlassian CLI (Notice the 3.X versions are not free, last free download versions at Atlassian CLI

Imagick  and  ffmpegthumbnailer  installed , exiftool and ffmpegthumbnailer installed, this can typically be done with a package manager for the OS.
