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Intel Compute Stick - Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

My rating (1-5 Stars)




See the latest development - Windows on Intel Compute Stick


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The Purpose

I bought this small device and an on a hunch as a "monitor" device in for 2 sences on the "monitor" term:

  • For a 3rd DELL Monitor at the Home Office
  • As a monitor/ping device for survaillance/monitoring (data for splunk)

Also, I bought a wireless keyboard/mouse solution (USB Based) for the stick also.

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The Main Problem

The main issue here seems to the be the wireless network (or drivers) , that simply sucks 200% - it does not work (just google a bit around the issue) - and it its pretty though to manage and update a device without good networking capabilities.

I tried several things:

  • Another Wireless USB device, with the exact same result.

  • Upgrading the Ubunuy Ubuntu to a newer kernel - pretty slow over some wireless that does not work well.

In generel, it had little effect, and I hit this bug several times "RTWHALXT runs 100% CPU for a long time"

The second problem

The wireless keyboard/mouse solution (USB Based) seemed to be having issues also, working with a wired keyboard and mouse works way better, and fewer keystrokes are lost.

The Solution (as of current date)

So, the device stood still in power off mode for some time, until I get got hold of an USB to Ethernet (wired) device, and this currently seems to function relatively wellway better than wireless, the device is still pretty slow regarding to network, although it seems stable now.

The second problem

The wireless keyboard/mouse solution (USB Based) seemed to be having issues also, working with a wired keyboard and mouse works way better, and fewer (if any) keystrokes are lost.

Update 16-07-2016 - This seems OK now, and I have disabled Bluetooth, it seems to interfer with my Apple Devices...

Other Problems


DNS keept failing, seems to be a common 14.04 problem - use to fix it.


Disable Suspend

It not nice when the device suspends due to inactivity - use

kswapd0 uses 100% 

The Conclusion

In short terms; this device pretty much sucks.... I will never recommend anyone to purchase it, but there is a new generation on the market, perhaps that is better.

In generel, it seems very slow with sudden "stopshalts" where keystrokes are just missed (over wireless)

The Form factor is pretty nice, but 1 USB only is problematic (but not unsolveable) for both a wired Network, mouse and keyboard - a USB hub is required for sure - I use one of my DELL monitors.