Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.


The main focusing is primarily on what they contribute on the Post-Function side of a Transition.

Workflow Enhancer for JIRA


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Interesting, but not that exiting Workflow plugin - but its free (smil)


Several part of the Post-Functions "Create" or "Add Comment" - I never got them working

JIRA Misc Workflow Extensions



An interesting but not free plugin, one of the very good points being that several post-functions has "Conditional execution of post-functions" - wich which as the above description enables some conditional execution of the fuction.

Number 8 and 9 is quite existing and worth examining further.

Also, Number 19 is pretty unique - the possibility to transist linked issues, but this can be scriptet via the Scriptrunner, see here

JIRA Suite Utilities


One of my (free) favorites,favorites, one of the reasons being that it is free (smil) 


Update 2017-10-02: Well, its not free anymore (ked af det) And its actually integrated into JIRA Cloud now. But for onPremise, its for purchase.


JIRA Workflow Toolbox


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This has some very good field post-fuctions for handling lists and formatting text fields.

One of the best on paper (I have not worked with it) - its not free, but its a afordable...




An excellent and free plugin giving the developer at lot of options and possibilities to enhance the solution. Some very complex groovy stuff can be achived here.


The Scriptrunner is free, and most of the Conditions, Validations and Post-Functions that other plugins on this page offer, can be achived for "free" in groovy.

But its all "by hand" - whereas several plugins offer a GUI and other value added fields etc.


Update 2017-10-02: Well, its not free anymore, since the writing of this article, Adaptavist has purchased Scriprunner. But, its still the best JIRA Plugin by far

See Scriptrunner tricks here

Essential Custom Fields for JIRA


HTTP Request Workflow Function


A Post-Function to place a HTTP request agains a URL - an alternative to WebHooks. Reviews seems positive.