Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.

In general, this is kind of reverse engineering and some test, fail, test until everything looks ok in browsers (smil) I have not found a CSS reference for Confluence.

See the CSS Styling Samples for Confluence 4.X pages for some sporadic examples

ThemeObjectCSS styleCommentTheme LocationCSS
Easy Reader


Custom HTML
StyleSheetof Site

#full-height-container { width:1200px; }

Change from 980px to 1200px
AllHide menu
.ajs-menu-bar { display:none; }
Can be used with the Visibility Plugin to hide menu for Anonymous users
AllHide Likes and Labels

.likes-and-labels-container { display: none; }

Can be used with the Visibility Plugin  to hide menu for Anonymous users
AllTop header background

#com-atlassian-confluence #header

{ background-image: url('') }

AllMetadata (attachments, changed time etc).page-metadata { display: none; } 
AllMore links.more-link-container, .more-link-base 
 recently-updated macro

.recently-updated-concise .update-item-desc, .recently-updated-concise .update-item-date, .recently-updated-concise .update-item-changes { display:none; }



Hide different part of text rendered from the macro