Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.


OS and Hardware Settings

Virtual: Why not - the benefist benefits are huge

Preferred OS: Ubuntu LTS 64-bit (this Cookbook is 90% Linux orientated)

Hardware: At least 2 CPUvCPU's and at least 3 GB Ram

Mysql Settings


mysql> create database confluence CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;
mysql> grant all privileges GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,DROP,ALTER,INDEX on confluence.* to confluence@localhost identified by '*******';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


Follow the required steps (remember path to Confluence_HomeInstall and Confluence_DataHome) and connect to the tomcat instance started; if the MySQL Driver can be found, restart the Tomcat.


This file is found in Confluence_DataHome

Change the number of Database connections to higher than standard


This file is found in the Confluence_HomeInstall/bin

Read Garbage Collector Performance Issues for settings


This file is found in Confluence_HomeInstall/conf

Binding to a fixed IP Address, add the address= to the connector. Also the port= can be changed (Under Linux only root can bond to 0-1023):


If behind a traffic Manager or Apache Proxy, add scheme=, proxyName= and proxyPort to the context t (See Apache2 Proxy Passing or Proxy Passing section belov)::


If the Tomcat needs to travel through symbolic links on the filesystem, add the allowLinking="true" to the context:

Tomcat 7.X - This is in server.xml

<Context path="" docBase="../confluence" debug="0" reloadable="false" useHttpOnly="true" allowLinking="true">

Tomcat 8.X - This is in context.xml

  <Resources allowLinking="true" />


If the Confluence instance need to run below root /, change the path= parameter:


Make sure Confluence is not running as root (for security reasons); look at Confluence_HomeInstall/bin/ for a username:


Finally, make sure the confluence user has access:

cd Confluence_HomeInstall
sudo chown -R confluence:confluence confluence
cd Confluence_DataHome
sudo chown -R confluence:confluence confluence-data


There are good reasons for using an Apache or Traffic Manager in fron front of the Confluence Installation, some are:

  • No port changing (non-root users can assign to ports below 1024)
  • Use of URL Rewrite
  • Use of URL Blocking
  • Use of Allow/Denial 
  • SSL offloading/handling outside the Confluence

Se my example in Apache2 Proxy Passing

Time And Date Setup

Time and Date should be set up according to 


Set up logrotate to avoid ever growing catalina.out log file. Here Confluence_Home is Install is /opt/confluence, logs are rotated daily and keept for 7 days:
