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This Article is a continuation of Location Tracking in Splunk

The point here is to drilldown on each unique timestamp in the Followmee data and by clicking at the data, get a map representation on the actual location. This involves using "drilldown" to pass data at click to a timepicker, which makes the map refresh.

Also , the Followmee time is a single timestamp, whereas the map requires a search that is a date-time range (from → to).On the right, the source code for the Dashboard is present:

The Dashboard

Image Added

The Solution

The dashboard contains 2 Time pickers:

One for seleting the date time range for the table data , to click on"Table Time"

One for holding the date time range for the map search "Map Time"

The code for the table "Table Time":

          <query>index="followmee" | dedup _time | eval User="Normann" | table _time "Data{}.Latitude" "Data{}.Longitude" User</query>
        <option name="count">100</option>
        <option name="dataOverlayMode">none</option>
        <option name="drilldown">cell</option>
        <option name="percentagesRow">false</option>
        <option name="rowNumbers">false</option>
        <option name="totalsRow">false</option>
        <option name="wrap">true</option>
          <eval token="e">$click.value$ +1</eval>
          <set token="form.SelectedDateTime.earliest">$click.value$</set>
          <set token="form.SelectedDateTime.latest">$e$</set>

In the Drilldown The interesting part here is the <drilldown> part, where we take the date time in the first column and add 1 to the time (the eval statement), to get a new date time

Then on click we pass the date time and the date time added with 1 to the timepicker "SelectedDateTime" here:

<eval token="e">$click.value$ +1</eval>
<set token="form.SelectedDateTime.earliest">$click.value$</set>
<set token="form.SelectedDateTime.latest">$e$</set>

When the "SelectedDateTimeMap Time" Time  Time Picker has new dates, it will refresh the map due to the searchWhenChanged="true" on it

The Dashboard

Image Removed
<input type="time" token="SelectedDateTime" searchWhenChanged="true">
  <label>Map Time</label>

Video of the functionality

View filewidget

The complete source for the Dashboard

<form script="panels.js">
  <label>Follow Mee Location Tracking Drilldown</label>
  <fieldset submitButton="true" autoRun="true">
    <input type="time" token="TableTime">
      <label>Table Time</label>
    <input type="time" token="SelectedDateTime" searchWhenChanged="true">
      <label>Map Time</label>
      <viz type="location_tracker_app.location_tracker">
          <query>index="followmee" | eval User="Normann" | table _time "Data{}.Latitude" "Data{}.Longitude" User</query>
        <option name="drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="location_tracker_app.location_tracker.interval">100000</option>
        <option name="location_tracker_app.location_tracker.showTraces">0</option>
        <option name="location_tracker_app.location_tracker.staticIcon">space-shuttle</option>
        <option name="location_tracker_app.location_tracker.tileSet">openstreetmap_tiles</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
        <option name="trellis.enabled">0</option>
        <option name="trellis.scales.shared">1</option>
        <option name="trellis.size">medium</option>
      <title>Data from Followmee</title>
          <query>index="followmee" | dedup _time | eval User="Normann" | table _time "Data{}.Latitude" "Data{}.Longitude" User</query>
        <option name="count">100</option>
        <option name="dataOverlayMode">none</option>
        <option name="drilldown">cell</option>
        <option name="percentagesRow">false</option>
        <option name="rowNumbers">false</option>
        <option name="totalsRow">false</option>
        <option name="wrap">true</option>
          <eval token="e">$click.value$ +1</eval>
          <set token="form.SelectedDateTime.earliest">$click.value$</set>
          <set token="form.SelectedDateTime.latest">$e$</set>
