Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.

After loading metrics templates in Kibana with:

root@elkserver1:/usr/share/metricbeat/scripts# ./import_dashboards
Create temporary directory /tmp/tmp010975537
Unzip archive  /tmp/tmp010975537
Import directory  /tmp/tmp010975537/beats-dashboards-5.1.1/metricbeat/index-pattern
Import index to /.kibana/index-pattern/metricbeat-* from /tmp/tmp010975537/beats-dashboards-5.1.1/metricbeat/index-pattern/metricbeat.json
Import directory  /tmp/tmp010975537/beats-dashboards-5.1.1/metricbeat/dashboard
Import dashboard  /tmp/tmp010975537/beats-dashboards-5.1.1/metricbeat/dashboard/CPU-slash-Memory-per-container.json


Is seems that some field references in the Json code are wrong for several Visualizations used on the Dashboards, as example I will take the Visualization "Disk space distribution", where the field reference is missing. See the actual json for the Visualization in the right side (this can be found under Visualizations > Manage Visualizations):
