Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.

Thursday night on the couch, having a day off friday, I decided to do some layout work on the Confluence we use at my workplace (just for the fun of it, as my work is my hobby - sort of anyway).

I had created a new User Macro, that I wanted to implement on the Dashboard, so I started editing in the Global Layouts in Confluence to place it on the Dashboard:

As part of the changing of the changeDashboard code, I entered:

{html}<font size="4">Space Quick Select</font>{html}

pressed "Save" and:

Image Added

and BAM - the Confluence went down - just giving me a "Service Unavailable" from the Traffic Manager.


All though I am pretty sure both worksnumber 2 works (same as using "Reset Default"), I went for number 1:


First, I shut down Confluence completely.

Then I made a complete mysqldump dump of the Confluence Database:


After that, I changed the DECORATOR.sql file i "vi" the "vim" editor - stripping off everything but the record for DECORATORID=64913409, and change the "INSERT INTO" to an "UPDATE"  so it looked like:

UPDATE DECORATORS SET body='### ...code...code...code.' WHERE  DECORATORID=64913409

And the whole point being that I removed the "{html}<font size=\"4\">Space Quick Select</font>{html}" from the body code.


mysql -uconfluence -p confluence < DECORATOR.sql


And started the Confluence Instance:


Image Added

  - and success - up and running again