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Being an Atlassian Administrator and developer for 10 years, I've done a lot of JIRA Jira deployments, administration, managing and developing workflows.

This is ITIL stuff as Incident- and Change-management, Tasks etc. But also more special needs as a large CMDB, Customer, Subscription, Employee, License and Contract Databases. Internally in my Copmpany we use Jira for all sorts of thing, including being "mailbox" for a lot of the standard company mail-addresses as job@ support@ info@ etc etc; so we dont need distributionlists and all incoming mail are handled and tracked probably by an assignee.

As an admin, You probably would know that Subtasks, actually defined as an issue bing a child of another issue (we will call it parent and child) - is an option You can select to disable in You JIRAYour Jira.

It can be disabled under Gear → Issues → Sub-tasks.

Lets Let us look at some of the things around Subtasks.


  • Its an unfortunate name, as there also is a default issuetype called Sub-task (with a hyphen). This is very confusing for many users and admins, that Subtasks is a concept for at relationship, as well as an issue type called Sub-taskstask. The concept could have been called child-tasks or children (to resemple the Confluence page relations)
  • Subtasks always are in the same project as the parent.
  • Subtasks to subtasks are not possible, there is only one sub-level
  • Subtasks are not useable for Jira Service Desk Request Types.
  • Jira has little awareness regarding the interaction between 


Subtasks are in general fine to use, but if I were to start a new Jira installation, I might tend to start be by disabling Subtasks totally .And - and use Issue linking instead to have the same (and wider) possibilitypossibilities.



There are several reasons:

Remove confusion and simplifying

You remove the confusion between the concept and the issue-type.

Tidy up the UI

Subtasks and issue links are represented in 2 different styles / ways in the UI, it does not look well, and as a user You are never sure where to look for related tasks under Subtasks or Issue Links


I have grown very fond of the Issue Matrix add-on App to display linked issues and issues that can be corrolated correlated by fields.

Its awesome and , flexible - and includes inline edit (smil)

Added flexability

As Subtasks only can leve live in the same project as the parent, it can cant be moved to other projects, this is quite a limition limitation for many companies that has different JIRA Jira projects for different departments/functions when subtasks are used for delegating work.

Some users wont make a subtask, but a linked issue anyway- other users might create a subtasks and then a linked issue in another project.

Double programming of functionality

As Jira has no enhanced builtin awareness/functionality that relates to the partparent-child or linked issues relation (Links are out of the box primarily a visual enhancement to show a relation), I am often are asked by customers to program such things - this is often:


  • Some awareness of issues blocking each other issues; like when a issue/subtasks is closed, other issues are made aware of this by transition or comment.
  • Duplication of comments between issues; some issue are added an attachmentcomment (could be by a customer), and parent/child/linked issues are automatiocally automatically added the same attachment comment. 
  • Duplication of attachments between issues; some issue are added an attachment, and parent/child/linked issues are automatiocally automatically added the same attachment attachment.

Very often, these functionalities need to be programmed twice; one for subtaks subtasks and one for linked issues.


Several Apps can perform part or all of the points above from the UI - my primary favorites are JSU Automation Suite and Automation.

But I mostly use JIRA Scriptrunner - I does require programming, but extends flexability of the function; the downside is its more time consuming and you have to maintain the groovy code Yourself (between upgrades etc)


As facted, subtasks to subtasks is not a possibility - in JIRA this can be partly overcome by a great App like Structure

With links, this limit is not existing; but of cause there is a danger in the fact that links can end up being more of a mesh that a structure.

Some other Apps like Issue Links Viewer or Pathfinder can help visualising the linking.

In every Jira installation, issuelinks are somewhat hard to handle, as the links types created over time often has som issue minded relations.

And pr. default, all linktypes are available for all issue-types.

For some customers we have added the App Extended Schemes for Jira, which give the ability to (amon other functions) to control which links can be used for issue types (Link Scheme).

Changing peoples process

Im sure that removing or disabling subtasks can cause fustration for hardcore and experienced users of Jira, so do always remember to argument and educate for the solutions You implement. Its all a matter of the way people work and are educated to use Jira ....

All good?

Of course not. Not using subtasks has some drawbacks, one of them being worklog and the logged work time presentation on the parent, where all work on this and subtasks can be seen and measured..

There are som ways to overcome this, I have actually written a groovy script that can travel links from a certain tasks and sum up logged work in all links.

Real life story

Some years ago - Ive created a sub-task issue type called Sub-change