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I stumpled upon the INSERT INTO LOGSTASH SELECT DATA FROM DATABASE article and decided to play around.

Installing PostgreSQL and loading the database and the data into ELK, see Loading Musicbrainz in Elasticsearch

Refer to the for moreAfterwards, the same data should splunkes (smil)the Original setup


First part - Install and setup "Splunk DB Connect"

Afterwards, make sure JAVA is configed:

Image Added

add the Postgres JDBC driver and check the Config:

Image Added

Now, the core part is done.






The load gave this in Kibana:


I do notice that some rows seems to be the same:

Image Modified

Or not? The "album_id" is the same, but in one row the "release_year" differs from the two others....


Reloading the data (after deleting the Index) gives:

Image Modified


Here is a sample of all albums from "Denmark" with "Peter" in the Artist name:

Image Modified

A few Visualizations..

Image Modified

Whats Next..

Well, this is unfinished business...there are so much more data to combine......
