Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.


A recipe in typically going forward from A to B, it does not (always) imply the thoughts of getting back to the base, besides mayby rulling rolling back to a snapshot.

In many situations this type of rollback in not possible, allowed or comply with real-life (prod) - espicially this can be for systems required to have low or zero downtime, or to maintain 100% audit or date/time/id integrety (integrity - for example when interacting with 3rd party systems).

At the same time, the recipe is typically very specific regarding objects and entities, withn with actual host and database names in it.


Hence, we can have a wish for cleaning the recipe and making a SOP - where all specific names and references in the nomenclature are becoming placeholders instead. The SOP then needs to have a section explaning explainng what the placeholders should contain.
