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To make good Changes and SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures) - its similar to beeing being a chef that need to learn how to make a good dish, or a marine that need to perform a certain function really good, as in: repetition, repetition....


SystemPurposeWho can deploy here?The good and bad stuff
UATUser Acceptance TestSysadmin (And/or Developer if DevOps is used)A known/controlled environment - few and controlled changes that has be have been performed in Stage.

Speciel Special integrations tests, typically with 3rd party systems outside our control.


Sysadmin (And/or Developer if DevOps is used)A known/controlled environment - few and controlled changes that has be have been performed in Stage.



The Developers Point Of View on classic vertuas vertues and procedures are typically focus focused in a complete other maner direction than those of the Sysadmin - The Developer has a focus on getting quickly to the next finish line with features and deployment - sometimes the cost are giving a little slack on test and deployment deciplindiciplin.

Giving the Developer access to Deployment in the Stage or Production without enforcing special rules and approval-procedures, do consider the battle lost

During DevOps eller or Continues Delivery one should implement rules, procedures and technically based access/approval workflows where deployment depends on successfully in the previous enviromentsenvironments, to prevent utilsigtet eller forhastet deployment from de prevent unintended or hasty deployment from the Developers side.



Do also give data

Der er også datasikker- og datafortrolighed at tænke over, når udviklere gives nogen som helst form for adgang til Stage eller Prod, som ofte indeholder personhenførbar eller fortrolig data, både fordi at antallet af personer med tilgang simpelthen udviddes, sekundært fordi udvikleren [potentielt] har mulighed for at udnytte softwaren til at udtrække fortroligt data udenom normale foranstaltninger.


confidentiallity and data security a thought, when Developers are given any form of access to Stage or Prod, as these environments often contains confidential or classified content; just by giving Developers access, the numbers of people with possible access rises, secondly because the Developer [potentially] has the possibility to use the software to extract confidential or classified informations more directly.

One of the developers common reasons to require Stage or Production access is the need for debug or log informations, here I do recommend using a facility like splunk for collecting data (in a controlled manner) off the servers/systems.


Also, seperation of dutys are often a requirement for IT-RevisionSekundært er der IT Revisionsmæssigt gode grunde til at funktionsadskille.



The minimum should be:
