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UI Button
titleMarketplace listing

Definitily the strongest a strong pluing with one of the largest cusomizations possiblities, wich which - for my part - also makes it the one not to use, and the customizations is very timeconsuming.


Conclusion (very subjective after a short test): Problably an excellent product, but set of a lot of time to design You Your style(s). As a private focusing on content rather than nitty gritty design, I gave up kind of "resigned"  up on the plugin.


Adaptavist Themebuilder

UI Button

I cant say that I have tested this (very) much; my first disappointment is that out of the box, nothing is prepared, preloaded or added - the ROOT Theme is basically just a copy of the Confluence 5 Theme.

I have not read the manual or seen the Webinar (yet), but man - I am just disappointed. Most other theme's - and especially RedifinedWiki has a lot of colors, fonts, a new footer etc, just waiting to be enabled; this is not the situation with ThemeBuilder. I would have loved 5 to 10 skins - or just a "installed with sample skins" or a "get samples here" big red button...

Oppositite to the Enterprise Theme, ThemeBulder works with "Storage Format" - aka xhtml, and as with Zen, the whole getting in business takes quite an effort; You dont just jump into the product. It's for sure a compeditor to Zen as both products are for those who want to brand their Confluence to the Max; typically for Internet faced sites.

Conclusion (very subjective after a short test)Problably an excellent product, but set of a lot of time to design Your style(s) but disappoiting with nothing preloaded/styled. As a private focusing on content rather than nitty gritty design, I kind of "resigned" up on the pluginNot tested (yet)....

Overall conclusion

No theme can be branded as a winner, for that the themes are way to different, and each coveres a part of what the need You may have.

Zen Foundation and Adaptavist ThemeBuilder is for sure the leading product products if You want to go all the way, whereas Enterprise Theme in general is quite "portal"/Internet aming. RefinedWiki is easiest for making a quick and nice look in overall, and with a Designer for making Your own themes, something the users of Enterprise Theme may miss after a while.