Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.


  • Creates thumbnails for the content (image or video) in a subdir called something with "thumbs"
  • Adds a macro onto the specified Confluence page to show (render) the content (image or video)
  • Created a short link to the image - this link is md5 sum based, so even if the file changes name, the link will still work
  • Finally, saves the page into Confluence


Questions and Answers

Q: Is there a manuel maintenance between the config.txt and the me-image macro?

A: Yes, the ThumbnailSize and DisplaySize numbers must match in the file and macro, otherwise the imagelinks will give 404


Q: My Thumbnail Image is not displayed?

A: Check the following:

  • Tomcat Linking is allowed
  • The Paths etc in the macro on the Confluence Page - does it exist in the filesystem
  • Permissions on the filesystem


Q: Images are so slow...why?

A: This can be bandwith, server hardware, memory - or the DisplaySize parameter - hence how large an image that must be fetched. 800 is default.


Q: Why does the me-image macro have both an parth/image-name and md5 sum parameter

A: The path/image-name is pure legacy, the md5 is the future workings, as this better supports moving images around in dirs, or renaming them.