Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.


Also, quite som fair amount of styling is available, though the lack but customization of fontsizes are completely missing, and the font fonts are set rather small for the theme, this is quite anoying.

This can be fixed easily (partly) with the following code in the Global HTML (or style pr. space).


Also, the theming and the sidebars are very flexible for admin to set design, and some very special features as "Set as landing page" versure the default "Embed page View" are very nice and gives users a good inpression on hitting a page (this is customizealbe per page):

As the name Enterprise indicates, this theme is meant for business, more that public facing or "pleasure" - so there are no integrations to social medias like facebook, twitter or similar.


Conclusion: An excellent pluging, but the small fonts and missing Style Designer gives it some heavy limitations. The developers documentation is very poor, but the plugin is relative intuitive.
