Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.


A fine plugin for spicing up a site or space relatively easy, with several very nice themes right out of the box, combined with a wide color range. A fair part of customizations are available for headers, footers and menus., as one of the best, this has a fixed with design, making up for the "Easy Reader Theme", lost in Confluence as of version 5

The designs are very usable, but I find the Dashboard links, breadcrumbing and links a bit confysing and also the language parts are quite poor. The theme has alternate styling for blog "dsfsdf" wich makes the blog lokking very bloglike, and very little confluence like; wich for my part is not good, as the blog looking is distancing it from the pages looking, as if I was actually using two seperate prodcuts.

The footer designer is pretty nice, but also quite limited, making the footer 90% of what You were aming foraiming for (not nessesarily bad (smil) ). The Plugin makes it possible to create Your own designs, wich must be nice, but also quite timecomsuming. This theme also has a maximize content button (Full screen function), so the content can fill most of the browser, hidding menus and stuff, quite usefull in some cases where a page has a lot of content or needs to be viewed fullscreen (fullbrowser, anyway) 

I have not tested the Dashboard part. 

Conclusion: Very, very good if You can live with some limitations regarding design and footer. Somewhat confusing in linking. The developers documentation is very good.


Enterprise Theme

UI Button
titleMaketplace listing


Also, quite som fair amount of styling is available, though the lack of fontsizes are completely missing, and the font are set rather small for the theme. This can be fixed easily with the following stud code in the Global HTML (or style pr. space).


Conclusion: An excellent pluging, but the small fonts and missing Designer gives it some heavy limitations. The developers documentations is documentation is very poor, but the plugin is relative intuitive.
