Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.

Styling at the Macro level is a bit special, in general Macro's are applied on a page via the RTE, but they can also be used in the Global LayoutPage LayoutLayouts for a space and so on, the reason is that changing it is quite easy via Confluence  Administration -> General Configuration -> User Macros - So we dont have to mess around in the layouts, which can be a bit risky.


to a large macro containing someting like a complete footer, se my footer here

Macro's are exeptional handy and easy to use and apply per page, and can typically be used (in CSS Context to hide/show - and change objects).

Creating Macros

See User Macros for at lot of macro's and for older macro's


In the RTE, macro's can be inserted via the GUI:

Image RemovedImage Added


In the Layout(s) for Global, Page, Blog post etc..

In the Layouts, the Macro's are rendered via the $Helper$helper:


