Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.

Styling at the Macro level is a bit special, in general Macro's are applied on a page via the RTE, but they can also be used in the Global LayoutPage LayoutBlog Post Layout Layouts and so on, the reason is that changing it is quite easy via Confluence  Administration -> General Configuration -> User Macros - So we dont have to mess around in the layouts, which can be a bit risky.


to a large macro containing someting like a complete footer, se my footer here

Macro's are exeptional handy and easy to use and apply per page, and can typically be used (in CSS Context to hide/show - and change objects).

Creating Macros

See User Macros for at lot of macro's and for older macro's


In the RTE, macro's can be inserted via the GUI:

Image RemovedImage Added


In the Layout(s) for Global, Page, Blog post etc..
