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  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.

This is a guide to styling Confluence; it a way that pretty much will survive most opgrades; hence It does not use many plugins or Macro's.

The guide also focus'es on doing the styling via the GUI, as opposed to messing arround at filesystem level

For showing different styling for users og groups; I use the Customware Visability Plugin.

The Scopes page shows the Scope for placing styles around in Confluence.

To Dashboard or Not?

The Dashboard is a "weird" Confluence entity, as it it hard to Maintain and Change, and has no versioning. Read To Dashboard or Not for further info.

Placing Resources?

Resources for the site building can be placed in several locations. Read Placing Resources for further info.


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