Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.

As stated, the Dashboard is a special Confluence Entity, as:

  • It is not part of a space
  • It is changed via partly Wiki, partly scripting
  • Is the Default landing page, and still - not always....

So, You might wonder If You want to use the Dashboard at all, or use a Page instead, there are not so many good reasons for the first, as (in my opinion) using a page has most benefits.

Above, it is claimed that "Is the Default landing page, and still - not always...." , this is why:

When user lands on the Confluence URL root, like or they are redirected to the Space determined in Confluence Administration -> Configuration -> General Configuration (Site Homepage):

Whereas, when a user in Confluence click on the "Dashboard" in the Breadcrums:

they are redirected to the relative URL /dashboard.action , displaying the Dashboard, nomatter what is set in the General Configuration.

This is for me not logical, and for the developer someting to take care of.