Versioner sammenlignet


  • Linjen blev tilføjet.
  • Denne linje blev fjernet.
  • Formatering blev ændret.


Subtasks are in general fine to use, but if I were to start a new Jira installation, I might tend to start be disabling Subtasks totally .And - and use Issue linking instead to have the same (and wider) possibilitypossibilities.


There are several reasons:

Remove Confusion and simplifying


In every Jira installation, links issuelinks are somewhat had hard to handle, as the links types created over time often has som issue minded relations.

And pr. default, all linktypes are available for all issue-types.

For some customers we have added the App Extended Schemes for Jira, wich give the ability to (amon other functions) to control wich links can be usesed for issue types (Link Scheme).

Changing peoples process