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As my openHAB installation is on a Laptop with Ubuntu 18-04 (Server, no UI) i knew that Bluetooth (BT) was somewhat avaliable.


This is actually where it gets tricky and I am partly stucked, as I am having a hard time pairing a lot (Yes, You have a lot of BT devices in Your home) and thier their MAC Adresses adresses to real physical devices.

BT Devices has a MAC address like a Network Interface, and there are several ways to discover devices and addresses:



What I do notice, it the the name of the devices is rarely present, and that the MAC address rarely matches the MAC addresses found in openHAB. That is currently an ongoing investigation. Any good clues here? Feel free to mail me at or drop a comment

There are several lookup tools like that should help, but I find the reliability of them low... often my MACs are not resolved to a Vendor


A Thing in openHAB

A few samples of disovered discovered BT Things in openHAB, its worth noticing that the capabilities can differ quite a lot - refer to Bluetooth on Wikipedia; currently the specs range from version 1 to 5:
